The top-5 conditions I see as a Chiropractor

I’ve been a Doctor of Chiropractic for more than 11 years now, helping treat thousands of patients to alleviate pain, rehabilitate injuries, or correct their musculoskeletal issues. Although I specialize in treating sports injuries, as well as conditions suffered in auto accidents, I’ve seen a wide variety of conditions over my years in practice.

However, I find that most of my patients come see me for the same short list of concerns. In fact, in my work week, I estimate that the vast majority of patients are suffering from these conditions, and need my help.

These are the top-5 conditions I treat:

  1. Low back pain / Herniated Disc / Sciatica

According to research conducted by the Mayo Clinic and other various studies, low back pain is extremely prevalent these days, with an astounding 31% of Americans experiencing back pain at any given time, and 80% of all people suffering some sort of disabling back pain in their lifetime.

Back pain is also the most common reason for patients to make an appointment to see me. Whether we find their pain is due to a herniated disc, originates from sciatica, or caused from some other trauma like a car accident or strain, there’s a lot I can do to help treat it.

  1. Neck pain

Low back pain may be the top reason people come in for evaluation and chiropractic treatment, but neck pain isn’t far behind. Of course, neck pain is a broad term, but the actual physical issue can come from a variety of sources, like sports injuries, other traumas (especially whiplash from auto accidents), torticollis, nerve compression, joint degeneration, muscle strains, and ongoing postural strain from sitting at the computer too long.

  1. Headaches/Migraine

Believe it or not, headaches and migraines are the third most common disease in the world, with an estimated 1 in 7 people around the globe suffering from this painful and debilitating condition, and about 2% of the world’s population experiencing chronic migraine! Unfortunately, there is no cure for migraine, but symptoms and pain can be effectively managed with chiropractic care.

  1. Sports Injuries

Did you know that an estimated 90% of professional and world-class athletes utilize chiropractic care? It’s true, as every NFL team has a chiropractic team on staff to administer regular chiropractic adjustments and treatment. In fact, 77% of all athletic trainers also refer their clients/athletes to a chiropractor, either after they’ve suffered an injury or just to enhance performance (and prevent being injured in the first place).

For that reason, I see a steady stream of athletes in my office. They may play team sports like football, baseball, basketball; taxing personal pursuits like golf, cycling, or cross fit; and participate on a pro, university, or recreational level, but they all have one thing in common: their body can benefit from chiropractic care.

  1. Auto Accident Injuries

Each year, millions of people are injured in automobile accidents, often with severe manifestations. In fact, collisions can result in a series of various injuries to your spine, muscles or other parts of your body. Too often, they are also hard to detect, as pain and symptoms sometimes don’t show up for days or even weeks after the event.

For instance, the symptoms of whiplash usually don’t emerge until about 24 hours after you were involved in an accident, but 43% of patients will suffer pain and symptoms long-term. And while there’s no magic bullet treatment for whiplash, studies have found that 93% of whiplash sufferers did show marked improvement following chiropractic treatment.


How can chiropractic care help back pain, neck pain, migraine and headaches, sports injuries, and whiplash and other injuries suffered in car accidents? Look for part two of this blog coming soon with a more detailed explanation of how chiropractic care is useful for treating each of these conditions and health problems.

Even better, contact my office to set an appointment for an easy and pain-free evaluation, at which time I can answer more of your questions.

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