Athletics, sports injuries, and chiropractic.

Are you a pro athlete? (Probably not.)
Do you try to work out like a sports professional because you want to look like them? (Maybe.)
Or, are you just trying to live a more active and healthy lifestyle? (Most likely!)
Maybe you’re just a weekend warrior who struggles to get off the couch?
No matter how often you run, swim, cycle, golf, lift weights, or do any other physical activity, aches, pains, discomfort, and injuries are an unfortunate part of the game.
As a Doctor of Chiropractic, I specialize in Active Release Therapy (ART) and treating injuries due to sports injuries, with huge benefits for my patients.
The prevalence of chiropractic care in pro athletics
In fact, 90% of world-class athletes utilize chiropractic care and nearly every major league and professional sports team employees a dedicated team chiropractor or has one they work closely with.
In the NFL, for instance, every team now has a chiropractor on staff, but back in 2002, less than one-third (31%) of all teams had the same. (During the course of a typical NFL football season, chiropractors give more than 27,000 adjustments to pro players!)
77% of athletic trainers have referred athletes under their care to a chiropractor, and 100% of athletic trainers say that their players or athletes have sought out chiropractic care on their own.
Is there real evidence that chiropractic care helps athletes?
Studies show that athletes see a 6.12% increase in physical performance after receiving spinal adjustments, and athletes experienced a 30% increase in hand-eye coordination after just 12 weeks of regular chiropractic treatments. There are scores of other credible studies that prove the efficacy of chiropractic care.
Athletes, back pain, and chiropractic care
Back pain is one of the top reasons why athletes pay a visit to a doctor or the hospital.
In fact, 75% of elite athletes experience back pain, and 10-15% of young or high school athletes experience low back pain.
Which sports result in higher instances of lower back pain?
85% Gymnastics
80% Weightlifting
69% Wrestling
58% Soccer
50% Tennis
30% Golf
As a point of reference, 40-60% of the general population experience low back pain at some point, while 31% of all elite athletes experience some sort of back pain or injury. Disc degeneration is also more prevalent among elite athletes than non-athletes.
The most common back injuries include muscle strains (60%) and disc injuries (7%).
Chiropractic care and young athletes
Each year, more than 2 million high school athletes suffer injuries and injuries and back pain also extend to intercollegiate athletics. 7-13% of all sports injuries in college sports are low back injuries, and most college athletic departments now have a chiropractor on staff.
The most common sports injuries treated by chiropractors
(In no particular order)
1. Neck pain
2. Whiplash
3. Low back pain
4. MCL sprain
5. Sports hernia
6. Quadriceps strains
7. Hamstrong strains
8. Shin splints
9. Ankles sprain
10. Achilles tendonitis
So, what benefits will athletes see when they see a chiropractor like Dr. Chip Studley?
1. Reduce wear and tear on the body
While we love to run, jump, swing, shoot, score, win, and play, all of that hard athletic performance takes a toll on our bodies, including wear and tear on muscles, ligaments, joints, and misalignments. Chiropractic care is a great compliment to help athletes treat – and prevent – injuries, recover quicker, perform better, and improve flexibility.
2. Treat injuries – without painkillers or drugs
Chiropractic care is a safe and effective first option for treating injuries without prescription painkillers and other drugs. Regular chiropractic care will also help you prevent injuries and keep your body in ideal condition, treating minor aches and pains before they become more serious injuries.
3. Improve performance
Chiropractic care will also assist in making an athlete stronger, faster, and more flexible as well as helping you stay on the field – not on the injured list. In many ways, chiropractic care promotes overall wellness and health that results in improved performance for athletes.
4. Increase recovery and ease post-performance pain
Playing sports, participating in athletics, and working out can cause muscle soreness and joint pain. However, chiropractic care will help support and align the spine, nerves, and surrounding tissue, allowing a fast road to recovery and healing after a workout.
5. Improve flexibility
Regular chiropractic adjustments will keep your muscles and joints loose and limber, giving you increased flexibility on the field, court, or in the gym. Improved flexibility will also help prevent injuries.
Contact me to get more information about chiropractic care or make an appointment!
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