9 Benefits of Active Release Therapy (ART)

You may not have heard of Active Release Therapy (ART) yet, but it’s fast-becoming a popular technique for natural healing. In fact, ART has a growing reputation among professional athletes, trainers, researchers, and chiropractors as being incredibly effective.

ART is a soft tissue therapy that works to relieve strained, damaged, and tight muscles and nerve trigger points, which has a profound impact on reducing joint stress. Likewise, other common issues with major muscle groups, fascia (connective tissue), and ligaments and tendons can be addressed with ART.

Active Release Therapy (also called Active Release Technique) can help.

Today, I’ll briefly outline the 9 benefits of Active Release Therapy. If you’re suffering from one of these conditions and looking for relief or just would like more information about Active Release Therapy

  1. Help prevent injuries

which build up scar tissue. Once this happens and muscles start to shorten and tighten, we become more susceptible to injuries. So, ART helps reduce future susceptibility to strains, pulls, tears, and other muscle or joint injuries. 

  1. Enhance athletic performance and function

ART helps restore the normal function of connective tissue and muscles, reducing scarring and keeping the body limber. In fact, new studies suggest that ART treatments even help improve athletic performance, and particularly running. So, it’s no wonder why Competitor.com calls ART “one of the fastest roads to recovery” for professional and serious athletes! 

  1. Treat Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

According to a clinical study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, ART can be effective in treating carpal tunnel syndrome, too. After just three treatments a week for two weeks, patients in the study reported “significant improvement” in the severity and symptoms due to their carpal tunnel, as well as improved mobility and function.

  1. Reduce chronic lower back pain

Did you know that lower back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide? In fact, about 50% of all working adults have back pain in any given year, and 80% of the U.S. population will suffer back pain at some point in their lives. But ART helps break up scar tissue and free compressed nerves, particularly in the upper legs and glutes, which has been shown to help alleviate lower back pain.

  1. Increase range of motion, especially after injuries

When people suffer acute traumas, such as major injuries during athletics, auto crashes, or workplace accidents, their range of motion often is compromised. In fact, about 70 percent of adults will have some sort of neck pain or loss of range of motion in that area during their lives. But one of the great benefits of ART is that it helps treat chronic neck pain, as well as free up the normal range of motion. 

  1. Improve flexibility

By naturally reducing adhesions and scarring around muscles and joints, while working tightened and shortened muscles, ART is proven to increase flexibility. Even one ART treatment session can noticeably improve flexibility, particularly in your legs and shoulders.

  1. Reduce inflammation

Active Release Technique serves another critical mission by encouraging the delivery of joint fluid throughout our bodies, which stimulates the lymphatic system and therefore, helps to naturally lower inflammation levels.

  1. Avoid medications with adverse side effects and risky prescription painkillers

When a chiropractor named Dr. Leahy created his patented ART formula, he soon discovered that he could resolve 90 percent of his patients’ maladies naturally – without medications or prescription painkillers. These days, many medications come with adverse side effects that create a vicious cycle, and addiction and overdose due to prescription painkillers have reached epidemic proportions in our country. ART is a safe, natural, and medication/prescription-free alternative.

  1. Enhance quality of life

Chronic back pain, neck pain, loss of mobility, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, tightness, and inflammation are all-too-common occurrences in adults these days, whether we’ve suffered an athletic injury, traumatic accident, or just overuse in the workplace.

But with ART treatments, patients can heal and recover both effectively and quickly – all with natural, safe techniques instead of harmful prescription painkillers or drugs.

You’ll find that this also has a profound effect on other aspects of your life, as you sleep better, feel better, and your body reaches its natural state of homeostasis.


Contact my office if you’d like to explore the benefits of Active Release Therapy.

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